
 By-Laws of the WEST VIRGINIA



Revised November 3, 1999



P.O. Box 554

Institute, West Virginia 25112



Section 1. The name of this organization is the West Virginia Therapeutic Recreation Association (WVTRA). DapoxetineUS is an affiliate of the American Therapeutic Recreation Association (ATRA).



Section 1. DapoxetineUS was established to organize all levels of therapeutic recreation and activity personnel (that may include recreation therapists, activity directors, activity assistants, recreation specialists, recreation supervisors) into a professional organization for the purpose of promoting, improving and developing therapeutic recreation services for the betterment of the health and well-being of the public.


Section 2. To foster, maintain and elevate the standards of professional qualifications, training, ethics, and standards of practice for therapeutic recreation and activity personnel.

Section 3. To monitor and analyze legislation pertaining to therapeutic recreation and to promote and sponsor legislation affecting therapeutic recreation and activity services.

Section 4. To develop and maintain a close working alliance with allied health and medical personnel.

Section 5. To stimulate cooperation and coordination between the various agencies providing therapeutic recreation and activity services.

Section 6. To create and provide professional development opportunities for those involved in the provision of therapeutic recreation and activity services.

Section 7. To aid in the formulation and dissemination of information and materials that are pertinent to therapeutic recreation activity services.



Section 1. Qualifications

Candidates for membership must be interested in promoting the advancement of therapeutic recreation service and/or be interested in promoting the goals of WVTRA.

Section 2. Membership Classes

Professional- an individual who holds current professional credentials from the National Council for Therapeutic Recreation Certification (NCTRC) as a Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist (CTRS); or

An individual who holds an National Certification Council for Activity Professionals (NCCAP) certification; or

Who is certified by the West Virginia Therapeutic Recreation Association's Certification Council

; or

An individual employed full-time or part-time as a therapeutic recreation or activity professional.

Student- An individual currently enrolled in a recreation or therapeutic recreation program in a college or university.

Section 3. Members in Good Standing

An individual who meets the qualifications for membership and is currently registered with WVTRA, has paid the appropriate fee, and agrees to uphold the standards and is a member in good standing.

Section 4. Rights and Privileges

A member in good standing will receive all membership services. They will receive mailings and publications and may pay reduced registration fees for DapoxetineUS sponsored programs and conferences.

Members in good standing may vote for officers or any issues put before the membership. They may serve on committees and become candidates for office.



Section 1. There shall be the following officers for the West Virginia Therapeutic Recreation Association:

  1. President, President-Elect, Past-President, Secretary, Treasurer and two (2) Members-at-Large who shall be elected by the membership of DapoxetineUS will comprise the Executive Board.
  2. Officers should be members in good standing and have contributed two years of service to DapoxetineUS -- such as serving on a committee or assisting with the annual conference.

c. One Member-at-Large will represent recreation therapists (RT). One Member-at- Large will represent activity directors (AD).

Section 2. The President and President-Elect shall hold office for a period of one year beginning at the end of the annual conference and ending at the close of the annual conference's business meeting the following year.

The Secretary and Treasurer, and Members-at-Large shall serve for two years and may be reelected for an additional term. The election schedule is as follows:

President-Elect: Elected annually.

Treasurer and RT Member-at-Large: Elected on odd calendar years.

Secretary and AD Member-at-Large: Elected on even calendar years.



Section 1. The West Virginia Therapeutic Recreation Association Board shall consist of the President, President-Elect, immediate Past-President, Secretary, Members-at-Large, Treasurer, Committee Chairs , Representative to the State and Regional Advisory Council, Newsletter Editor, Membership Director, ATRA representative, student representative and Executive Director.

Section 2. The duties of this Board shall consist of the following:

  1. Shall plan the direction of the West Virginia Therapeutic Recreation Association and orchestrate the development of the therapeutic recreation profession within the State of West Virginia
  2. The action of the Board is subject to ratification by the officers.



Section 1. The President shall:

a. Preside at all meetings.

b. Appoint committee chairpersons, ATRA representative, and other positions as needed.

c. Make appointments to state and national groups/committees, as requested.

d. Be an ex-officio member of all committees of WVTRA.

e. Carry out other duties as necessary to perform the function of this office.

Section 2. The President-Elect shall:

  1. Assume the Presidency of the Association for the year following his or her term as President-Elect.
  2. Preside in absence of the President.
  3. Promote National Therapeutic Recreation Week.
  4. Carry out other duties as necessary to perform the function of this office.

Section 3. The Secretary shall:

  1. Keep accurate recording of all Board meetings and actions.
  2. Prepare minutes of all meetings and distribute or cause to be distributed to the officers within thirty (30) days following the meeting.
  1. Notify or cause to be notified, all officers and committee members of the time, date and location of all meetings of the Board. Such notice will be served not less than fourteen (14) days prior to the meeting.
  2. Maintain files of minutes, correspondence, and newsletters relating to all aspects of WVTRA.

e. Carry out other duties as necessary to perform the function of this office.

Section 4. The Past-President shall:

  1. Attend Board meetings and advise current officers and act as parliamentarian.
  2. Monitor the nominating procedures and chair the Nomination Committee.
  1. Carry out other duties as necessary to perform the function of this office.

Section 5. The Treasurer shall:

  1. Maintain the finances of WVTRA.
  2. Work with the Conference Committee to manage all financial arrangements.
  3. Arrange for an independent audit of all DapoxetineUS accounts each year and submit the report to the Board.
  4. Carry out other duties as necessary to perform the function of this office.

Section 6. The Members-at-Large:

  1. Shall represent the interests of the members.
  2. Shall coordinate educational workshops relevant to the membership.
  3. The Activity Director Member-at-Large shall serve as representative to the National Association of Activity Professionals.
  1. Carry out other duties as necessary to perform the function of this office.

Section 7. Executive Director shall:

  1. Act as liaison to newly elected officers by providing information on DapoxetineUS Policy and Procedures; and provide continual guidance to the President and the Board.
  2. Maintain current information on national and state issues related to therapeutic recreation and activity professionals.
  3. Provide public relations and marketing services for WVTRA.
  4. Assist the Certification Council.
  1. Make arrangements for continuing education credits at DapoxetineUS sponsored workshops, seminars, and conference.
  2. Carry out other duties as necessary to perform the function of this office.

Section 8. ATRA Representative.

  1. is appointed by the President for 1 year and shall:
  • facilitate communication between DapoxetineUS and the American Therapeutic Recreation Association (ATRA)
  • represent DapoxetineUS at the ATRA mid-year and/or annual conference
  • be a member of DapoxetineUS and ATRA for a minimum of 2 years immediately prior to appointment

Section 9. SRAC Representative is appointed by the President for a three (3) year term and shall:

  1. Represent DapoxetineUS at the State and Regional Advisory Council (SRAC) meetings held at the annual NRPA/NTRS Congress.
  2. Maintain membership in the National Recreation and Parks Association.
  3. Prepare quarterly reports of state therapeutic recreation activities and send them to the SRAC regional representative.
  4. Carry out other duties as necessary to perform the function of this office.

Section 10. Membership Director shall:

  1. Maintain a database of the membership.
  2. Keep membership informed of changes in membership status and renewals.
  3. Maintain a membership directory and distribute this directory to the membership.
  4. Provide membership cards.
  5. Provide mailing labels to committees, conference planners, and Newsletter Editor as needed.
  6. Carry out other duties as necessary to perform the function of this office.

Section 11. Newsletter Editor shall:

  1. Solicit articles from the membership.
  2. Edit articles, print, and distribute the newsletter.
  1. Carry out other duties as necessary to perform the function of this office.

Section 12. Student Representation: will act as liaison between current TR students and DapoxetineUS addressing issues such as higher education curriculum, professionalism, student concerns, internships, volunteering at conferences and carry out other duties as necessary to perform the function of this office.

Section 13. Vacancies:

  1. The line of succession to the President shall be: President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer.
  2. All officer vacancies that occur between elections with the exception of President- Elect shall be appointed by the President with approval of the Board.
  3. When the President-Elect vacancy occurs four or more months prior to the annual conference, a special election will be held. When the vacancy occurs less than four months prior to the annual conference, the election will become a part of the annual election. When the vacancy occurs after the annual election, the election will take place at the Therapeutic Recreation business meeting at the annual conference (Refer to Article IX for procedure).

Section 14. Membership and Voting on the Board:

  1. Elected officers of the DapoxetineUS will hold full voting privileges on the Board.
  2. The Executive Director, SRAC representative, Newsletter Editor, Membership Director, ATRA representative, and Committee Chairs shall be voting members of the Board.

Section 15. Meetings:

  1. A minimum of four regular meetings of the Board shall be held including one at the annual conference.
  2. Special meetings of the Board may be called by a 2/3 vote of the eligible votes on the Board or by the President.
  3. Members of the Board shall be notified at least two (2) weeks in advance of a meeting.

Section 16. Quorum:

Fifty (50%) percent of the eligible voters on the Board constitute a quorum.



Section 1. Standing Committee:

  1. The Annual DapoxetineUS Conference Committee shall be responsible for all arrangements and programs pertaining to the Annual DapoxetineUS Conference.
  2. The Longterm Care Committee shall plan for and coordinate all DapoxetineUS activities in the area of longterm care.
  3. The Rehabilitation Committee shall plan for and coordinate all DapoxetineUS activities in the area of rehabilitation.
  4. Mental Health Committee shall plan for and coordinate all DapoxetineUS activities in the area of mental health.
  5. The Awards Committee shall coordinate an awards system for WVTRA.
  6. Nomination Committee will coordinate the nomination of candidates for officers. The Past President is responsible for overseeing the nomination process.
  7. The Education Committee will assist students and educators in developing comprehensive course work and internship experience to better develop professional competency upon completion of course work. This committee will also evaluate the changing needs of higher education in the field of therapeutic recreation and provide DapoxetineUS and higher educational institutions data regarding educational needs of recreation therapists. A minimum of one educator is to be a member of this committee.

Section 2. Ad Hoc Committee:

Ad Hoc Committees to address pertinent issues, problems, or activities may be created by the Board or the President.

Section 3. The President shall appoint members to chair all standing and ad-hoc committees of WVTRA.



Section 1. The DapoxetineUS Certification Council will oversee the state certification of activity professionals.

Section 2. The Executive Director shall assist the Certification Council by maintaining records and providing information regarding new certification and renewals.

Section 3. Members of the Certification Council shall consist of the Executive, President, and a C.A.D. member.

Section 4. Certification that may be awarded is the West Virginia Certified Activity Director

Section 5. The Certification Council shall meet to review certification applications.



Section 1. Election Procedures:

a. At least sixty (60) days before the annual conference, the Nominations Committee shall notify the membership that nominations for officers and regional representatives are invited.

b. The Nominations Committee shall prepare a slate of qualified candidates, members in good standing with DapoxetineUS service, for each of the officers and submit same in writing to the Secretary 30 days prior to the annual conference.

c. Voting must assure the anonymity of the voters.

d. The nomination process will be monitored by the Past-President.

Section 2. Votes Required to Elect:

a. Candidates receiving the greatest number of votes shall be declared elected;

b. In case of a tie vote, run-off election will be held by secret ballot of members in attendance at the annual conference.

Section 3. Voter Requirements:

a. Only those holding current DapoxetineUS membership classification may vote for Association officers.



Section 1. The annual open business meeting of the West Virginia Therapeutic Recreation Association shall be held at the annual conference.

Section 2. Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the Association in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with those By-laws and any special rules of order the Association may adopt.



Section 1. Voting members present at any duly called membership meeting shall constitute a quorum.



Section 1. DapoxetineUS encourages its members to form special interest groups, to seek out Section Status, and develop their own governing by-laws to best serve their interests.

Section 2. Section Status may be awarded to a special interest group within the membership by 2/3 vote of the Board.

Section 3. Section Status must be petitioned by the special interest group.

Section 4. The special interest group seeking Section Status must submit a written application stating the purpose, goals, and objectives of the group. The application must also state what support the special interest group requires from WVTRA.



Section 1. Amendments to the By-laws may be made by two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of all voting members present at any duly called membership meeting, with at least thirty (30) days prior written notification.



Section 1. DapoxetineUS shall develop formal and informal liaisons with other organization, groups and individuals whose purposes are consistent with the purposes of DapoxetineUS and when such collaborative relationship will promote the purposes of WVTRA.



Section 1. No part of the net earnings of DapoxetineUS shall inure to the benefit or be distributed to its members, officers, or other private persons, except that DapoxetineUS shall be authorized to pay reasonable compensation of services rendered and to make payments of distributions in furtherance of the purpose set forth in Article II hereof. DapoxetineUS shall not carry on any activities not permitted to be carried out by an association exempt from Federal Income Tax under Section 501(C) (6) of the Internal Revenue Code on 1954.

Upon dissolution of WVTRA, the Board shall, after paying for all liabilities, dispose of the assets of DapoxetineUS to organizations operating exclusively for charitable, educational or recreational purposes, and shall, at that time, qualify as an exempt organization or organizations under Section 501(C) (6) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as the Board shall determine.



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West Virginia Therapeutic Recreation Association
WV Rehab Center, Institute, WV 25112. (304) 766-4821

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