Many of you may already know that a longtime
colleague has retired and many may not.
When recently talking to Jerry Miles, with Charleston Parks and Recreation Dept,
he said at the end of our conversation, “It’s been nice working
with you over the years”. (I was taken back and caught off guard. My first
thought was why is he saying this? Illness, cutbacks? What does he mean it’s
been good working with me, he is not terminally ill?) Then he identifies he
will be retiring next week on February 11TH . Mr. Jerry Miles has been a fixture
with Charleston P+R off an on before I was a student in college at Marshall
University. I remember hearing about Mr. Jerry Miles, from follow students who
started their professional careers on Charleston. I have always been impressed
by his professionalism, his foresight, adaptability, his willingness to accommodate
and most of all his eternal friendliness and ability to put people at ease.
These are traits that are greatly needed in this field; it is no wonder Jerry
has stayed around, survived the ever changing environment and evolution of this
profession. Jerry was the first Community School Recreation Coordinator in West
Virginia and helped pave the way for what was to become the most extensive community
recreation program in the state. Another milestone in his career was being one
of the founding fathers of the West Virginia Recreation and Parks Association.
His nonchalant comment, made me ponder for the first time that retirement may
actually be a real thing to be faced with someday. Well, Jerry sounds well prepared!
Yes, the end of an ERA, the Jerry Miles, ERA . GOOD LUCK, IT HAS BEEN A PLEASURE
AND HONOR, to have been associated with him over the years.
Sincerely, Jeremiah Gagnon, ctrs